Friday, 16 January 2009

Dreaming of a CGMS

Here in little old New Zealand a diabetic with a CGMS is a very rare thing. The few that are in the country were very expensive (with no funding at all from anywhere). But here I am, as a New Zealander with her finger on the pulse of the rest of the diabetic world, hearing about the every day use of CGMS as if it's perfectly normal and not a rare foreign thing!

I dream of having a CGMS. People around me want a new house, a Wii, a new car... and I really would be happy with a bloomin' CGMS!

I do ok without one, I test a lot, jab a lot, try to keep things on the level, but wow, wouldn't a CGMS be SO much easier?

So I'm saving up. This will take ages and be hard work but I *neeeeed* that thing so bad! I've even printed a picture out to put on my wall to help keep me motivated. This is one dream that I will make a reality... somehow!


Minnesota Nice said...

Happy Birthday! I saw you on the birthday list over at Tu Diabetes.
Hope you are having a great day. And, more kitty videos, please

..M.. said...

Thanks heaps MN!
Kitty vids will be coming soon. I have plans for them but somehow it just never happens lol.. so thanks for the reminder :) Kittie birthday post coming soon.